I sent my Autumn Exchange today and it should arrive to its new home on Monday. We hope:)
I received my Autumn Exchange piece yesterday from Lucie of the UK. I love it. It is hanging on my little tree with all of my autumnal decorations. I still have my Halloween up because 2 of our granddaughters will be visiting and I want them to see the decorations. I need to work on doing more Thanksgiving themed stitching. I could add that to my goals for the next year. :) I am out of school today because we had Parent/Teacher Conferences yesterday and today. I did not get home until 9 last night and we had a slice of pizza and some Greek salad. My dh went to bed and I stayed up and stitched because I did not need to get up at my usual 4:00. The pups let me sleep until 7:15. That was marvelous. I stitched a Bent Creek Snapper for my partner. I used the floss that was suggested and fabric in my stash. I made it into a little pillow filled with crushed walnuts and finished it with beads in the stitching. I'm giving a piano lesson tonight so I need to get busy and clean the house. Enjoy your day and may the blessings of our heavenly Father surround you in all that you do.