I finished a little pillow for my friend Becky. I told her she could give it away but not to sell it in a garage sale. It was from a Secret Needle kit but I put two patterns together and did my own design. I had fun with it and then finished it into a long pillow filled with crushed walnut shells.
I received my HoE ornament in the mail yesterday from Amy. It is a freebie from Lilybet called "Joy". I love the finish and it will be easy to store when it isn't on my little tree. I love the tree in the pattern.
Tonight my friend Becky gave me a little Halloween ornie from her cat Tobias, that I took care of while she was on her journey to Chicago. I love the pattern and the cats eyes seem to glow. She did a really nice job. I will share pics of the projects.
School is going well. We have started on the Christmas musical and the kids are doing great. We had friends from Montana visit us this weekend and we had a great time. Of course there is the frenzy of super cleaning the house and trying to cook everything they like because we only get to see them once a year.