I received this darling Reindeer Ornament in the mail today. What a pleasant surprise. He is a Pine Mountain Design and he has the cutest little red button for his nose. It is a cute finish.
Today three of my grandchildren went to school with me because their grandmother is very ill in the hospital and their Mom is staying with her and their Dad works on the weekends. We had a foot of snow and that tends to drive all of us bonkers. We did build a snowman and had lots of fun but they were ready to come in change into warm pj's that Granddad had just taken out of the dryer and have some "tickle tea". We played games, watched videos and Nana was busy making them blankets. They loved our school and wanted to go back tomorrow but they needed to go home and go to their school. Our children at All Saints were so good to them and made them feel welcome. But we are all tired tonight. :)
Thank you for stopping by. Need to get ready to watch Harry's Law. It is a new favorite of ours.