Monday, November 1, 2010

A New Goodie

Waiting for me today was this darling pin keep, and needle holder from Sheril. The colors are beautiful and I truly appreciate her time and effort. I am going to take it on my trip to Spokane. It is perfect for me to use. I need to go fix our dinner and get packed. DH swept and mopped today. He is really a keeper.
Mass was so good today with all of the children doing something extra. We celebrated All Saints Day because our school is All Saints. Bishop Slattery along with Father Dodd presided at Mass, with the 8th grade leading. We had a cello solo and the Honor Choir sang special music during Communion. I had no voice so I was thankful for all of our children.

Until next week, peace and blessings.

1 comment:

Patty C. said...

Darling Gift !!!!!! Congrats ;)
I wish you all a safe trip