I was really worried that I was going to have to make another LKE ornament for April because it took 2 weeks for the package to arrive. I guess the heavy snows had something to do with it. I wanted to show the beaded hanger so I hooked it over one of the stands that my husband makes for me to display my goodies.
I am spending the day going through magazines and recycling them. AND I AM GETTING TO WORK ON MY LITTLE HOUSE NEEDLEWORK'S ORNAMENT THAT I RECEIVED ON THURSDAY!!!!!! Can you tell that I am excited? When I get home at night there is not much umph left in this old gal.
It has been so much fun to get to know other stitchers through my blog and the exchanges. This Internet is a wonderful tool.
I'm reading the autobiography of Jean Nidetch and there was a good quote from
Eleanor Roosevelt: "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present."
May your day be filled with sunshine and joy.